Merina Pets
Tiruppur Tamil Nadu India
Merina Pets is located at Tiruppur in India, Tamil Nadu . Their business activities include Pet Accessories Shop, Pet Food Shops, Pet Shops etc. Their main business region is Tiruppur India . The species and breeds they offer include Aquarium Fishes, Birds, Chicken, Cinnamon green lovebirds, Cinnamon Peach faced lovebird, Cockatiel Parrots, Dogs and Puppies, Goldfish, Lovebirds, Oscar Fish, Parrots, Pug etc. They also make available Pet Food and Accessories like Bird Cages, Dog belt, Lovebird Nest etc. of the major brand Aini .
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Location Address :
Merina Pets
64,MRD Complex, PN Rd,
Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu 641602
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