Pet Shops in Texas | Pet Food in Texas | Pet Accessories in Texas
Here is the Directory or List of Pet shops, Pet Food, Pet Accessories in Texas like pet stores, pet food stores, pet accessories stores, farms, suppliers, wholesalers, dealers etc. Find details like phone numbers, major species and breeds, shop/business activities, certifications, year of establishment of various shops in Texas.
The pet industry in Texas is booming, with a strong focus on pet ownership and care. According to the American Pet Products Association, Texans spent $8.5 billion on their pets in 2020, making it the second-biggest pet-spending state in the U.S. The state has numerous pet-related businesses, including pet stores, groomers, veterinarians, and pet-friendly hotels and restaurants. Texas is also home to many animal welfare organizations that care for and rescue abandoned or abused pets. Overall, the pet industry is a vital part of the Texas economy, and pet owners in the state are dedicated to providing the best care for their furry friends.
List of Pet Shops / Stores / Companies in Texas
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Pet Ranch
Houston Texas USA
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Curli Tail
Irving Texas USA
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Dallas Texas USA
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Animal Supply Co
Irving Texas USA
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Odyssey Pets
Dallas Texas USA
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