Egy Puppy Cairo Egypt - Pet Food Shops Accessories Shop

Egy Puppy

Cairo Egypt

Egy Puppy is located at Cairo in Egypt . Their business activities include Pet Accessories Shop, Pet Food Shops etc. Their main business region is Cairo Egypt . They make available Pet Food and Accessories like Cat Food, Dog Bed, Dog car seat cover with bag, Dog food, Floating waterproof bed, Pet Food, Spooter etc. of the major brands Bewi . Dog, Farmina, Flexi, Fokker, Friskies, Josera, Kong, Nature's Protection, Petcura, Purina, Royal canin, Spade, Trixie etc. The shop established in the year 2010.

Location Address :
Egy Puppy
New Cairo Industrial Zone,
Cairo, Egypt

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A family business that was established in 2010 to be the first specialized dog store in the world and up lifting the standards of pet stores in Egypt by providing the best products & services for dog owners and their four-legged friend. We are the first to provide a huge assortment of brands, products and services in the Egyptian market


Business Regions Cairo Egypt

Pet Accessories

Pet Food & Accessories Brands

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